The Castleford FFA Chapter recently won the South Magic Valley FFA District Dairy Cattle Evaluation Career Development Event (CDE). Team members, left to right, were Hannah Gaalswyk, Eden Schilder, Taya De Kruyf, Zander Schilder, Evan Fontes, Luke Kaes, and Dacian Nunes. Not pictured is team member Josie Zimmers.

For this event, students had to judge various breeds of dairy cattle, give oral reasons on their placings, take a timed test on dairy cattle records, and then conduct body condition scoring on a set of cows. Nunes placed 8th-high overall, De Kruyf placed 7th-high overall, Zander Schilder placed 6th-high overall, Eden Schilder placed 5th-high overall, Gaalswyk placed 4th-high overall, Zimmers placed 2nd-high overall, and Fontes was 1st high-overall.

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